So, not a whole lot is new. I've been feeling very...I'm not even sure what word to put. Disgruntled, maybe? I just seem to have a short fuse lately (And my apologies to the Fiance for that one), and I'm not entirely sure as to the cause. I'm frustrated with work, and dealing with the people I have to deal with, I seem to be tired a lot of the time, and just over all very blah. Could be the fact I'm not losing as much weight as I want to be, only down 5 lbs so far. Could be I seem to be having a lot of frustrations and am feeling overwhelmed with this whole wedding dress issue, which is silly because I still have about 6 months. Could just be I'm not sleep as much. Who knows. I'm just feelin pretty low today, and feeling bad for snapping at the future hubby a few times today. Hopefully I pull myself outta my funk, and soon.
Until next time...
Blessed Be.
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