Hump Day...

Well, last night sucked. Big time.

Haha, yes, that's all I'm going to put about that.

I'm decided, I'm changing the tone, per say, of this blog. I've started it off pretty negatively, and lets face it, no one wants to read negative crap all the time, even if it is written humorously. My inspiration for this change came from two sources. I read, fairly regularly, my friend Brittney's blog, which is always so upbeat and happy, which it turn makes it wonderful to read.

My second inspiration is my wonderful Fiance. We had a discussion last night, and as I'm laying in bed, processing what we talked about, I realized something. While I hate having drama in my life, I tend to create a lot of it, consciously and subconsciously. First goal = stop creating drama. I think to help me do that, I've got to stop feeling so negative. Some negativity is fine, and normal. But not all the time, and not about everything. I just need to learn to let stupid little things go. It will make me a happier person.

Also, I realized, with a little prodding last night, I'm WAY to emotional. Sure, I can come up with reasons and excuses as to why things upset/hurt/frustrate/anger me, but question should be why.Why do I let these things bother me? Will they matter in 10 years? Most of the time, no. Not really. Well, then why am I holding onto them and letting them effect me to the point it upsets those around me? Answer: I shouldn't. And I won't.

It's going to be a tough journey, but hey, I had to make it sometime. Who knows, maybe I AM finally "growing up".

So, to end on a lighter note, I've lost 6 lbs now, down to 154lbs. And I'm feeling really pretty proud of that. Sure, it's only 6 lbs, but I've lost it, and dangit, it's staying off this time!

Until next time...

Blessed Be.


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